Research: My research field is the history of medicine and have worked extensively on the history of epidemic disease and public health in the Japanese Empire. I have written several articles and book chapters related to cholera, rinderpest, Hansen’s disease and maritime quarantine. I am currently working on the history of malaria in East Asia. This research is an interdisciplinary project and the research collaborators are scientists and policy-makers, including international organisations such as the WHO. One of the main aims of the research project is to provide historical evidence to figure out current malaria problems and insights to make more effective plans to eradicate malaria. Recently, I have begun research on epidemic disease control and the (re)construction of the medical and public health systems in South and North Korea after 1945, in the light of competition between the US and the Soviet Union. This research entails collaboration with the Military History Institute in Seoul, which is a part of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Korea.
Relevant publications include:
‘Malaria and Colonialism: Korea c.1876-c.1945’, Social History of Medicine, Vol. 29, 2016, 360-383
“20 Segi Cho Haehangdosi Dairengwa Malaria” (Malaria in the Early Twentieth Century Dairen) in Ji-Yeong Gu and Gyeong-Seon Gwon (eds.) Dairen Hwanhwanghaegwȏn Haehang Dosi 100 Yeo Nyeonui Gwejeok (The Over 100 Years Trajectory of Port City Dairen on the Yellow Sea) (Seoul: Seon’in, 2016), 153-175 (In Korean)
‘Borderline of “Empire”: Japanese maritime quarantine in Busan c.1876-1910’, Medical History, Vol.57, 2013, 226-248
“Kaikōki Pusan ni okeru Chōsengyū no Yushutsu to [Ycushutsugyū Ken’ekisho] no Setchi” (Quarantine against Choseon Cattle in Busan during the Opening Port Period) in Toshihiko Matsuda and Jeong-Won Jin (eds.) Chiikishakai kara Miru Teikoku Nihon to Shokuminchi (The Domination and Regional Societies in Japanese Empire) (Kyoto: Shibunkaku, 2013), 579-611 (In Japanese)
‘Shokuminchiki ni okeru Pusan no [Raibyō] ni Taisuru Seisaku’ (The Politcies of Hansen’s Disease in Busan during the Colonial Period), Chōsenshi Kenkyūkai Ronbunshū (Choseon History Association Journal), No.48, 2010, 155-186 (In Japanese)