Research: History of medical microbiology, history of tuberculosis, history of antimicrobial resistance, history of global health. I have a long-standing interest in how the scientific basis of understanding epidemic infectious disease comes about and how it translates into interventions designed to control condition in patients and populations. From this point of departure, I have worked on rather diverse questions from establishing disease aetiology in the lab or the field, antibiotic drug development, hospital infections and disease control programs in global health.
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Relevant publications include:
With Jean-Paul, Gaudilliére; Beaudevin, Claire; Lovell, Anne L & Pordie, Laurent: Global health and the new world order: Historical and anthropological approaches to a changing regime of governance. Manchester University Press 2020
Laboratory Disease: Robert Koch's Medical Bacteriology. Johns Hopkins University Press 2009
'Treatment on Trial: Tanzania’s National Tuberculosis Program, the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, and the Road to DOTS, 1977-1991'. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 74 (2019), 316-343
'From lighthouse to hothouse: hospital hygiene, antibiotics and the evolution of infectious disease, 1950–1990'. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40:8 (2018), 1-25